This was an interesting task for me. I have known about RSS for about a year, and have never really had the time to master it. The video on BlipTV was most informative (Thanks to the CSLA 2.0 for providing that link.) I saved it to show to my staff in the fall when I introduce RSS to them.
I chose Google Reader, because I already have a Google account and it was one less login and password to remember! That was very easy to do. Initially I was worried that I wouldn't know where to find things to add to my reader. Wow, was I wrong! I added a few of the suggested sites (gotta have that
Unshelved cartoon fix!) Then I visited my bookmarks, and added
Joyce Valenza's page....which led me to the news at School Library Journal.....31 subscriptions later I decided it was time to "manage" my feeds!
I know this will be a great tool for me to stay up-to-date with new additions to sites that I love, but in the past didn't visit often enough due to time constraints. In addition, one of the sites I subscribed to was
TeacherTube. As new videos come up, it will be a simple matter for me to forward them to the appropriate departments.
As far as sharing is concerned, I haven't found a place to share my blogroll on Google Reader yet, so I will have to find another place to do that....perhaps on my own blog!